SLO Buddhist Church

6996 Ontario Rd., San Luis Obispo 

805 595-22625

Resident Minister: Rev Naomi Nakano

Email Rev. Nakano

“The light – it’s always been there.
It’ll guide you”
~Maz Kanata, female version of Yoda

January 12, 2025
Dharma Message

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I have been “binge” watching the Star Wars movies. The episode that intrigued me was the seventh episode, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I saw Buddhist teachings about self-discovery, questions of personal direction and Sangha.

In this episode, a young woman (Rey, no last name) is in search of who and what she is. She was a loner, uncertain of herself and had unrefined techniques of defense. In many ways, she lived in conflict and a life of chaos. Rey was so uncertain of her self, she lived a life of a “rogue”. She meets Maz Kanata, a female version of Yoda. who can feel and see Rey’s “spirit of a Jedi”. Still, Rey is so insecure and confused that she re-fuses to hear and listen to this person and their forethought.

On her journey, Rey eventually meets Princess Leia, who is now a general in the Resistance. General Leia also sees the ‘Jedi” in her, yet Rey continues to be resistant, untrusting, confused and uncertain. Again, there is someone to help guide and give direction, and again Rey is uncertain, confused, stubborn and hard-headed.

Rey leaves in search of Luke Skywalker. She finds Luke and he too sees the Jedi spirit in her. Luke questions her why she resists the Jedi in her and she is unable to explain. He watches her practice, which is purely “brute force”. He trains her mind to think of how best to use her actions and thinking that can be more beneficial in her battles. He tries to train her in Jedi thought and action.

Rey is again reluctant and hard-headed. She only hears and sees what she wants to hear and see. She has a long, difficult road to achieve the true Jedi spirit. She continues to question her capabilities, abilities, and the path of where her heart lies. She has many things to figure out. In a certain way, her ego stands in the way of her progress. Yet, she has many people who support and guide her. These people are Sangha.

This is my take on the movie. However, we are very much like Rey. We travel many paths in seeking answers. We desire a life that is chaos-free, filled with calm and peace. However, as we take each new step, we are insecure, frightened and unsure. At times we resist and have internal fights within.

We can listen, hear and learn what the Buddha’s teachings are in our confusion. Do we have the heart and mind to awaken to the Buddha’s wisdom and compassion? Do we have the ears and eyes to see and hear while on our journey of self-discovery?

On this journey, we will meet many consequences. Life will have its ups and downs. We are given choices. These discoveries may have a positive impact and some will not be agreeable. This is living. Yet, it is the true heart and mind and awakening to Nembutsu/Namu Amida Butsu that will open our being and aid in finding our true self. We only have to breathe, hear and think. It is Namu Amida Butsu or in Star Wars movie, “May the force be with you”.

Rev. Seijo Naomi Nakano

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